
Build Health Center & Housing Partnerships Now! Join Our Learning Collaborative!

Background on Learning Collaborative

Is your health center interested in expanding its services in collaboration with a housing partner to meet the needs of your community? The Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) and Capital Link’s third offering in their Capital Expansion for Health and Housing Partnerships Learning Collaborative series can support you in this partnership endeavor.  Over 30 health centers have participated in prior years and gained expertise in facility planning, health center and housing partnerships, and capital funding.

These collaborations enhance health centers’ engagement in Social Determinants of Health, and advance efforts to expand a community’s housing and health center infrastructure to meet growing needs and demand.

Purpose of Learning Collaborative

The Capital Expansion for Health and Housing Partnerships Learning Collaborative serves as a forum for a peer group of health centers to exchange expertise and solutions on challenges related to capital development expansion for housing and health center providers. Through a series of virtual discussions, facilitated by CSH and Capital Link from January through March 2020, we will explore the benefits of co-locating health center and housing facilities, relationship building with housing providers, capital expansion planning for coordinated facility expansions, assessing market needs, leveraging resources, and much more.

How Health Centers Can Apply to Participate in Learning Collaborative

Health centers interested in participating in the learning collaborative will need to complete an Application of Interest by Friday, December 13, 2019 in order to be considered for participation. A free webinar covering the process for completing and submitting the Application was held on December 3. You can now access the full recording for that webinar by clicking here.

APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENDED: Applications are now due December 17, 2019.

ICYMI: Full recording from the December 3 webinar by clicking here.

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