Stop By Our Table & Hear From Staff in Several Sessions
It’s been an exciting year for affordable housing in California and the Annual Housing California Conference will build upon the momentum spreading across the state with it’s gathering of over 1400 housing and community leaders. CSH is looking forward to participating in the conference as an exhibitor and with staff participating on several panels.
Stop by our table to chat with our staff on the latest in supportive housing and to learn about how CSH can help expand housing and services to meet the needs of your community. Our staff will be presenting in several sessions, listed below. Be sure to add them to your agenda!
Thursday March 8, 3:30-5:00PM
2-3. Hot Topics: Homelessness
Interact directly with policy experts and get an inside look at the policy themes dominating the state Capitol in 2018. Glean insights from key staff who advise legislative leaders, hear the latest on homelessness-related bills co-sponsored by Housing California, and get all your questions answered from those working in the state Capitol. Moderator: Chris Martin, Housing California Panelists: Sharon Rapport, Corporation for Supportive Housing; Zelenne Cardenas, Social Model Recovery Systems; Fernando Gaytan, Child Care Law Center
Friday March 9, 10:45AM-12:15PM
4-4. Using Political Storytelling to Build Political Will
The workshop will focus on personal storytelling as a tool tobuild community buy-in and political will. Panelists will discuss emerging best practices in supporting individuals with lived experience to participate in advocacy efforts and major campaigns in both California and locally, and discuss benefits to campaigns, as well as to individual tenants participating. Finally, panelists will engage the audience in a dialogue about change and ways to incorporate advocacy activities across systems to achieve maximum impact. Moderator: Sharon Rapport, Corporation for Supportive Housing Panelists: Ann English, Corporation for Supportive Housing; Gloria Bruce, East Bay Housing Organizations; Larae Cantley, CSH Speak Up!
Friday, March 9, 9:00 AM – 10:30 am
3.6 Promoting Aging in Place and Reducing Older Adult Homelessness Through Supportive Housing Partnerships with PACE
Come get a detailed look at emerging supportive housing partnerships focused on promoting aging in place and/or reducing homelessness among older adults with chronic health conditions utilizing the PACE program (Program of all-Inclusive Care for the Elderly). PACE is a nationally recognized program which serves adults 55 and over who meet a nursing home level of care and who can be safely maintained in the community through the coordinated delivery of health and long-term supports and services. Learn whether these types of supportive housing partnerships could make a difference in your area and how to get the discussion started on forming them. Moderator: Peter Hansel, CalPACE Panelists: Linda Trowbridge, Center for Elders’ Independence, Oakland; Cheryl Wilson, St. Paul’s Seniors Services, SD; Simonne Ruff, Corporation for Supportive Housing, San Diego
Friday March 9, 1:45-3:15PM
5.5 Getting to Scale: System Approach to Transforming Supportive Housing Production in Los Angeles
Los Angeles is at a historic moment with an unprecedented level of resources for the development, operations, and services necessary to support the production of supportive housing at the scale necessary to end homelessness throughout the County. Leaders from the City and County will speak to how these resources were achieved, what relationships were created, challenges overcome, how these investments will contribute to a comprehensive and coordinated approach, and the tools necessary to create an efficient and effective system that will maximize housing opportunities for the most vulnerable Angelenos. Moderator: David Howden, Corporation for Supportive Housing Panelists: Sean Spear, Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department; Maria Funk, Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health; Cheri Todoroff, Housing for Health, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services; Carlos Van Natter, Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles
5-9. No Place like Home Funds – A County Focus
The No Place Like Home (NPLH) program is slated to provide $2 billion for permanent supportive housing. Counties are the eligible applicants, either with or without a housing development sponsor, and must commit to provide mental health services. The workshop will provide insight into how the program compares with the Mental Health Services Act, and will provide an opportunity for counties and developers to begin the process of understanding perspectives and process for building successful partnerships on NPLH projects. Moderator: Diana Downton, Community Economics, Inc. Panelists: Sharon Rapport, Corporation for Supportive Housing; Robert Ratner, Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services; David Estrella, County of San Diego Health and Human Services; Olivia King, Resources for Community Development