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CSH & National Health Care for the Homeless Council to I.D. best practices in diabetes care for vulnerable populations

CSH and the National Health Care for Homeless Council are providing training and technical assistance to health centers and supportive housing providers looking to partner to better serve consumers with unmanaged diabetes.

Diabetes remains one of the leading causes of death in this nation with higher medical expenditures for those diagnosed with the disease than those without it. Stable and affordable housing remains a key social determinant in improving health equity and reducing preventable hospitalizations and disease burden. Housing, coupled with quality, integrated health care and culturally-responsive health education is integral in reducing the burden of diabetes for the most vulnerable individuals with complex care needs, including the homeless.

CSH and the Council are partnering to identify replicable and scalable models of health center and housing partnerships focused on reducing unmanaged diabetes.

  • Are you a health center or supportive housing provider interested in chronic disease management, including diabetes?
  • Are you currently working on an intervention focused on diabetes management?
  • Are you interested in learning and sharing innovative practices with peers across the country on the best and most promising community-based diabetes management efforts?

Click here to learn more.

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