The National Foster Youth Institute (NFYI), in cooperation with the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth and Casey Family Programs, invited Members of Congress to a Policy Roundtable this evening where CSH presented on Supportive Housing for Families.
NFYI co-hosts several Roundtables during the year to inform Congress about issues, programs and policies that can improve the lives of children and families involved in the child welfare system. Recent topics have included sex trafficking and foster youth, re-homing, and the neurological impact of early childhood trauma.
During their presentation, CSH staff focused on supportive housing models such as Keeping Families Together that provide stable and safe homes to prevent children from going into foster care.
CSH also made Members of Congress and their staffs aware of One Roof, which is elevating the visibility of families at the intersection of homelessness and child welfare involvement by helping communities develop partnerships between housing providers and child welfare agencies that improve outcomes.