
Subcontracting Opportunity:  Peer Employment Curriculum Development and Implementation (Los Angeles, CA)

CSH is seeking a subcontractor to provide key support related to implementation of the new Peer Employment initiative, HEAL LA;

The subcontractor must have core experience in the oversight and development of peer support programs at agency and cross-systems levels, including senior level planning and project management skills; training, curriculum development, job development and placement; and a proven history of successfully engaging community and stakeholders in complex initiatives. Knowledge of the field of peer specialist work including philosophy and history of consumer advocacy movements is required, along with familiarity with state, national and other issues in certification, etc.

Ideal candidates will have a graduate degree in social science, public administration or related, excellent public speaking, reporting/writing and meeting facilitation skills and a range of contacts in related fields, community non-profits and government agencies in Los Angeles County including LAC Department of Mental Health. Subcontractor will have established proficiency developing, adapting, and implementing curricula to meet the needs of community- based providers as well as a deep understanding of peer culture and values and experience translating these values to traditional employers.

Planned activities:

  1. Strategy, planning and community stakeholder engagement. Consultant will facilitate meetings and community dialogue to ensure essential feedback and support of HEAL LA, create related meeting/conference content, facilitate workgroup meetings as needed and provide reporting on each item. Consultant will serve as project liaison to key stakeholder entities including LA County Department of Mental Health, local area consumer/peer-run programs etc. Estimated at 10-15 hours monthly; total 90 hours.
  2. Curriculum design/review and training competencies for the HEAL training program; finalization of HEAL core competencies document and integration with training curriculum; training design, quality and content review; consultation on national, state and local peer specialist training standards; Estimated at 10 hours monthly in first three months; up to 30 hours.
  3. Project planning, staffing and oversight of training and internship programs: project management; assistance to CSH in creating, recruiting, supervision of Training Coordinator and training faculty; consultation with CSH and the HEAL partners on practica/internship placement, etc. Estimated at 20 hours monthly: up to 100 hours
  4. 4. Training: Consultant will serve as training faculty, and provide key oversight of trainer onboarding. Consultant may provide up 20 hours of training in core areas of the HEAL PS Training; content may include training on recovery, consumer advocacy, self-help, motivational interviewing for peer support, leadership, peer support group facilitation, etc. Estimate up to 60 hours (2 hours preparation per training hr.)



Expected Outcomes, Milestones, and Deliverables:
Deliverable 1:  Pilot implementation of Peer employment curriculum for individuals with lived experience of homelessness, adapted from existing peer specialist training and integrating key components identified by working group and other stakeholders to meet community needs.

Deliverable 2: Scaling and sustainability plan informed by development of curricula, needs of community, state-specific health care opportunities, and outcomes of pilot training.


Funding Available:
An amount not to exceed $45,000 is available for an initial 6-month term estimated at 30-50 hours per/month; not to exceed 300 hours total.


Application Process and Vendor Requirements:
To apply for this opportunity email Ann English at ann.english@csh.org on or before March 8, 2017. Subcontractors must be able to comply with the Corporation for National & Community Service General Grant and Cooperative Agreement Terms and Conditions, and the Social Innovation Fund Classic Cooperative Agreement Terms and Conditions found at https://www.nationalservice.gov/resources/terms-and-conditions-cncs-grants

Applications received before the deadline will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated successful performance of substantially similar work
  • Experience with Peer community, state certification process, and health care industry
  • Successful development, implementation, and adaptation of comprehensive peer specialist training.
  • Years of relevant experience
  • Rate reasonableness and overall cost of services
  • Special consideration will be given to small, disadvantaged, minority or women-owned businesses

Please note that CSH requires subcontractors, including individuals and sole proprietors, to carry workers’ compensation insurance while performing work under a CSH subcontract. CSH subcontractors cannot have existing, pending or expired debarments or other preclusions on doing business with (either directly or indirectly) with the United States government and cannot have convictions for, nor have any pending indictments for, fraud or a criminal offense in connection with a public contract or subcontract.

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