CSH is seeking a subcontractor(s) to produce a homelessness study that will create a baseline of the housing needs of families who are experiencing homelessness and are at risk of homelessness in Chicago. It is expected that this study and report will use the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and the Chicago Public School’s Students in Transitional Living Situations (STLS) database as primary data sources. The study will address the following key analytical questions: How many families are currently experiencing literal homelessness; How many families are currently At-Risk of Homelessness per HUD including in “doubled-up,” facing imminent eviction, and residential instability such as moves in past 60-days; How many families do we anticipate will experience homelessness within the next year; and, What are the projected housing needs of those that will enter homelessness in the coming year? The research partner(s) will collaborate with the research Advisory Council as well as with CSH staff.
Multiple entities are encouraged to collaborate on a single proposal outlining roles, responsibilities, and costs.
Planned activities:
- Secure Data Sharing Agreements
- Link and clean data
- Analyze data
- Produce report of findings and future research questions
Expected Outcomes, Milestones, and Deliverables:
Deliverable 1: Complete dataset between homeless systems and school systems and other databases as applicable and available
Deliverable 2: Interim report on data after linking and cleaning to indicate scale and limitations of initial findings to gather feedback
Deliverable 3: Final report on findings on key analytical questions
Funding Available:
An amount not to exceed $46,250 is available for this project. Respondents should detail the amount of leveraged funding they are able to seek to bring to the project and specifically that leveraged dollars will support the key findings sought, at a minimum.
Application Process and Vendor Requirements:
To apply for this opportunity email Betsy Benito at by March 17, 2017.
Applications received before the deadline will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Demonstrated successful performance of substantially similar work
- Ability to secure data sharing agreements with stated data sources
- Detailed Project timeline, and ability to complete the report by December 2017
- Detailed approach to key analytical questions
- Roles and responsibilities of staff funded by the project and staff leveraged to the project through other sources
- Outline an approach to securing housing assessment information from families that are in the CPS STLS program, but may not have formal assessment information in HMIS. Please provide a separate cost estimate for this component, if applicable.
Please note that CSH requires subcontractors, including individuals and sole proprietors, to carry workers’ compensation insurance while performing work under a CSH subcontract. CSH subcontractors cannot have existing, pending or expired debarments that preclude them from doing business with the United States government and cannot have convictions for, nor have any pending indictments for, fraud or a criminal offense in connection with a public contract or subcontract.