The supportive housing project serves formerly homeless families with special needs, many of whom have transitioned from the shelter system and many with child welfare involvement in San Francisco. A nonprofit organization owns and operates the project in partnership with another nonprofit, and the supportive housing project provides onsite resident services, clinical and case management services, youth services, and property management support to residents. The site is part of San Francisco’s portfolio of supportive housing for formerly homeless families.
In recent years, the supportive housing project has experienced several staff transitions.
Under CSH’s Technical Assistance Contract with the Public Agency, we propose to support the ongoing operations of the supportive housing project by providing training and technical assistance support to the staff of the nonprofit organizations that are providing onsite support to tenants, including the following activities:
Facilitated Team Discussion. CSH and/or subcontractor staff with experience in coordinating property management and supportive services staff will facilitate a face-to-face discussion with property management staff and supportive services staff from several nonprofit organizations re: the following key issues to help build trust and cohesiveness among the onsite team members:
- Vision of Supportive Housing Project
What is working/What needs refining?
Roles/responsibilities of Key Partners
Structure of Ongoing Meetings
Team Building Opportunities
Ad Hoc Consultation Support. CSH and/or subcontractor staff will provide consulting support to nonprofit staff re: strengthening property management and supportive services coordination to serve formerly homeless tenant population in high quality supportive housing.
Additional Resources/Training Support. CSH staff will support the nonprofit organizations’ efforts to identify additional training and technical assistance support for the onsite staff at the supportive housing project. CSH staff will share the following informational resources re: training and technical assistance support:
- Orientation/Introductory Material re: Supportive Housing Operations
- Facilitated Discussion re: Roles & Responsibilities with Property Management and Services Staff
- Available Training Support through CSH’s On-Line Training Center
These activities may be expanded to provide additional training and technical assistance to this supportive housing project and other supportive housing projects experiencing similar operational issues.
The estimated subcontractor staff commitment for providing the Facilitated Team Discussion and Ad Hoc Consultation Support described in the Scope of Work shall be an estimated 28 subcontractor hours, with an estimated 7 staff hours from CSH to provide information re: additional Resources/Training Support to the onsite staff of the supportive housing project.
If the scope of work is expanded to provide additional training and technical assistance to this supportive housing project and other supportive housing projects, CSH will negotiate with the subcontractor to expand the estimated subcontractor hours to reflect these additional activities.
CSH will work with the subcontractor to finalize the goals and objectives, proposed method and approach, and scope of work for the Facilitated Team Discussion and the Ad Hoc Consultation Support to the onsite staff. CSH will work with the subcontractor to maintain regular communication by in-person meetings and phone and email with the two nonprofit organizations.
CSH staff and subcontractor staff will develop and deliver the Facilitated Team Discussion by March 23rd. Following the Facilitated Team Discussion, CSH staff and subcontractor staff will develop a workplan for development and delivery of Ad Hoc Consultation Support and Additional Resources/Training Support identified in the scope of work. These activities will be completed during the period from January 2017 to June 2017.
If the scope of work is expanded to provide additional training and technical assistance to this supportive housing project and other supportive housing projects, CSH will negotiate with the subcontractor to expand the estimated timeline.
Please submit a subcontractor proposal to provide the training and technical assistance support identified in the scope of work. If you have additional questions regarding this training and technical assistance assignment, please contact:
Steven Shum, Senior Program Manager: