In-Person Trainings to Help Strengthen Your Funding Applications & Community Engagement
CSH is offering a number of trainings in 2016 to help your organization develop, manage, and provide quality supportive housing in Ohio.
Trainings will guide potential applicants on submitting successful housing funding applications and cover the Six Steps to Community Engagement. Trainings are FREE, generously sponsored by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services with support from the Ohio Housing Finance Agency.
Because these are free, space is limited. If you are interested in attending follow these instructions on how you can access our Supportive Housing Training Center to register. For content or logistical questions please contact Leah Werner at 614.228.6263 Ext 224 or .
All trainings will be held in Columbus, Ohio
Franklin Station – 524 West Broad Street Columbus Ohio 43215.
Free parking behind the building.
Free Lunch Provided
Funding Application Training
Wednesday, May, 25
Ohio Housing Finance Agency Housing Development Gap Financing
In April and June, CSH will offer practical, hands-on trainings to a small group of organizations that intend to apply to the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) of Cincinnati and the Ohio Housing Finance Agency for funding to create supportive housing.
Mary Hernandez, the manager of FHLB’s Affordable Housing Program, will be in attendance to elaborate on the “how to’s” of the online application. The trainings will focus on creating competitive applications.
Community Engagement
Wednesday, June 29
Community Engagement and the Six Steps
Developers face increasing challenges when creating affordable housing. NIMBYism can negatively impact costs and actually derail sound projects. The Six Steps to Community Engagement training was originally produced for developers of homeless housing and services, and designed to respond to both the uniquely local aspect of each proposal and generic obstacles (i.e. similar concerns raised in nearly every case). Over time, it has proven to be an effective strategy to engage the community in constructive dialogue about proposed development projects.
The Six Steps encourages housing providers to conduct a “due diligence” process early in development planning to gather information, consider options and make informed, deliberate decisions about what actions to take with respect to local government, community groups and the media. CSH’s training helps developers understand the practical uses of the Six Steps to reduce potential delays and costs that may result from local opposition.