Housing Credit Policies in 2015
CSH Report Details State Qualified Action Plans
In its “Housing Credit Policies in 2015 that Promote Supportive Housing” report, CSH found that virtually every Housing Credit agency fosters some form of supportive housing development through its Housing Credit program. For this report, which builds on analyses doneĀ in prior years, CSH examined 56 Qualified Action Plans (QAPs). The report includes a summary of supportive housing policies in each QAP and a chart detailing each allocating agency’s set-asides and incentives specifically targeted to supportive housing.
The information in this report has also been incorporated into PrezCat, an online catalog of state and local affordable housing preservation policies. Launched in early 2014, it allows developers, housing finance authorities, housing advocates, state and local decision makers and other stakeholder to easily search and query policies, data and programs that are most relevant to their short and long term needs. Housing Developers may use it to measure the likelihood of success in a given transaction. Housing finance agencies will be able to quickly compare their own tax credit Qualified Allocation Plan language to those of their peers. Advocates will be able to better measure both how their states are performing against the benchmarks set by their own Qualified Allocation Plan and how that performance compares to states across the U.S. In response, those advocates can set the bar higher, year after year. PrezCat is a joint effort between the National Housing Trust and Novogradac & Company LLP and generously funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. http://www.prezcat.org