The Melville Charitable Trust has a long history of demonstrating a generous commitment to investing in proven solutions that end housing insecurity. CSH has long been a partner with the Trust in promoting supportive housing as an evidence-based model that works.
The Trust began addressing housing instability in 1990 with the view that the persistence of homelessness “in the wealthiest democracy in the world is scandalous,” especially since there are cost-effective solutions.
Since then, they have funded long-term investments in education and advocacy around many issues critical to housing stability, including rental subsidies and the availability of low-cost capital to increase the supply of affordable and supportive housing. The Trust has invested at the state (Connecticut) and national levels with CSH and other organizations such as the Partnership for Strong Communities and the National Low Income Housing Coalition.
Recently in Connecticut, they have focused on the needs of youth and young adults at risk of or experiencing homelessness and other forms of housing insecurity. They have funded CSH to explore housing options that keep youth housed, healthy and moving forward.
As a result, Connecticut providers from across the housing continuum joined CSH late last year for a statewide convening that focused on tailoring the supportive housing model to young adults and transition-aged youth (TAY) to promote positive youth development and facilitate a young person’s transition to adulthood.
With support from the Trust, CSH is working to identify one or more viable service models for youth.
CSH is continuing to work with providers and other stakeholders to pilot viable youth supportive housing demonstration projects that reflect practical financing models as well as effective staffing and services structures. CSH also has created a learning community for supportive housing providers interested in serving youth and young adults.
With support from the Trust, CSH will release a comprehensive report this year that assesses the current supportive housing landscape for Connecticut’s young adults and provides recommendations on next steps.
In addition to our work with youth and young adults, the Trust invests in the CSH Social Innovation Fund (SIF) initiative, which is backed by an award from the Corporation for National and Community Service and designed to help four communities across the country carry out pilot programs that leverage supportive housing linked to health services to save public dollars and improve lives.