CSH Speak Up Advocates are set to present at the upcoming National Conference on Ending Homelessness, including CSH Board Member and Advocate Dorothy Edwards. Advocates will present in the Microsession Including the Consumer Voice in Planning and Administration(SA) – details are below.
Our tenant advocates will also participate in the Hill Day activities, speaking with their Congressional Representatives and Senators on the need for supportive housing. Follow their experience online through #CSHSpeakUp.
National Conference on Ending Homelessness
July 16 2:45pm
M1.10 Including the Consumer Voice in Planning and Administration(SA)
Services should be responsive to the needs and wants of those who are meant to receive them. In this workshop, speakers will discuss the value of including the consumer voice on the boards of Continuums of Care and permanent supportive housing programs, and other programs and organizations that provide homeless services. Topics will include recruiting consumers for planning, and the insights of consumers who have drawn on their experiences in the homeless system to inform their work on these boards.