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New Training in Louisville, KY

The CSH Supportive Housing Training Center is bringing two workshops to Louisville, KY, on November 20 and 21, 2014. As a leader in the supportive housing field, CSH’s workshops offer some of the most robust training the industry has to offer. Mastering Quality in Supportive Housing (day 1) and/or Effective Targeting (day 2) will help you develop the skills and techniques necessary for implementing best practices and serving your community’s most vulnerable people. Register for one or both days.

  • November 20th, 9am to 4pm – Mastering Quality in Supportive Housing
  • November 21st, 9am to 4pm – Effective Targeting: Maximizing Supportive Housing Resources for Success

This program has a registration fee of $175 for one day or $325 for both days. Save $25 by registering by November 1st!


Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky – 1640 Lyndon Farm Court, Suite 100, Louisville, KY 40223

Access details here and register now.

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