The need for housing for homeless families in Washington D.C. is at an all time high. THC was looking to rehab an existing property in D.C. into a 36-unit integrated housing project targeted for families at risk of homelessness with special needs. When looking for financing, THC came to CSH and we recently approved a $350,000 predevelopment loan to cover professional fees and other costs associated with the development of Delta Commons. In addition to supporting our mission, the THC loan happens to be our 1,000th loan.
Polly Donaldson, Executive Director of THC spoke to the need of family supportive housing in D.C. stating, “the need for permanent supportive housing for families is well documented and a key strategy of the District’s Interagency Council on Homelessness (ICH). THC believes strongly that producing the units will provide a longer term, sustainable answer to increasing the affordable housing stock for homeless and at risk families in the District and is committed to integrating PSH into our affordable housing production goals.”
Describing the project, Donaldson noted “Delta Commons at Benning Road is one of the first projects funded under the District’s first consolidated request for proposals to fund permanent supportive housing units, and will serve as a model for developing integrated supportive housing units into a larger mixed-income affordable community.”
When asked about what CSH’s loan means to the organization, Ms. Donaldson answered “CSH predevelopment loans and support have been essential to THC becoming a leader in developing permanent supportive housing for families in Washington, DC.”