CSH staff members Nicole Bahena and Colleen Velez delivered a day long training for Continuum of Care (CoC) grantees and lead agencies from Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. Delivered nationally as part of a HUD funded Technical Assistance plan to help communities understand implications of the HEARTH Act, the regional HUD office asked CSH to tailor its materials to focus on transitional housing in light of the new performance requirements of HEARTH. The training was attended by 138 individuals representing providers throughout the region. It provided a unique opportunity for participants to learn about the HEARTH Act, but also to connect with peers in afternoon breakout sessions. Attendees stated that the training “helped to start more strategic conversations about transitional housing and how to move toward rapid rehousing” and that it brought to light “the paradigm change and implications for the CoC and agencies.”
In addition to the grantees and CoC lead agency members, in attendance were U.S. Senator Tom Carper (DE) who delivered opening remarks, as well as U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) officials, including Deputy Director of the Office Special Needs Assistance Programs Lora Routt, and HUD Region III Administrator Jane Vincent, and HUD’s Office of Community and Planning Development Philadelphia Director, Nadab Bynum.
For information about our work on transitional housing conversion or HEARTH Act implementation, please contact us.
Pictured Left to Right: Nadab Bynum, Nicole Bahena, Colleen Velez, Jane Vincent