
CSH Submits Comments on HUD’s Proposed Rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

Today CSH submitted comments to HUD regarding its proposed rule to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH).  Under the Fair Housing Act, recipients of many different kinds of HUD funds – primarily cities, localities and Public Housing Agencies – must not only prevent housing discrimination, but also work to affirmatively provide housing choices to “protected classes” that have traditionally been discriminated against.

A broad array of stakeholders agree that the current system of affirmatively furthering fair housing (AFFH) is weak and poorly enforced.  The proposed rule makes several positive improvements to the process, while – in most cases – not overburdening localities with paperwork and unrealistic requirements.  That said, CSH does believe there are several areas that can be improved in the rule.  Please view our comments, which among other items, urges HUD to ensure that the rule permits continued investment in neighborhoods with high poverty and does not threaten the pipeline of future development due to disagreements in the community.

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