
Critical Juncture for California

Critical Juncture for California As Four CSH-Supported/Sponsored Bills Go to a Floor Vote

The California Legislature is now considering four bills that could significantly advance supportive housing. The California Senate is likely to take up the California Homes & Jobs Act (Senate Bill 391) next week. The bill would dedicated a source of funding—a real estate document recording fee—for affordable and supportive homes. It would generate about $500 million per year, taking effect just as all other state funding for housing is eliminated.

Also next week, the Assembly will likely consider three CSH-sponsored bills: AB 361 to fund services in housing for Californians experiencing chronic homelessness; AB 639, the Veterans Housing & Homeless Prevention Act, to repurpose $600 million in homeownership bonds toward a veterans rental housing program; and AB 998 to create an interagency council on homelessness in California. All are critical to creating housing opportunities for California’s most vulnerable residents.

Join our efforts to pass these bills! Please send letters of support to your legislators TODAY. Click here for a sample letter to your senator to support the California Homes & Jobs Act. Also find sample letters to your assembly member in support of AB 361 (to fund services through the Affordable Care Act’s Health Home option), AB 639 (to repurpose funding for a veterans rental/supportive housing program), and AB 998 (to create an interagency council on homelessness). Find your Assembly Member and Senator at http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/.

For more information, contact Sharon Rapport, Associate Director, California Policy.

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