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Exciting new training opportunity! Announcing the CSH Supportive Housing Veteran Training Academy

CSH, with support from Capital One, is pleased to announce the creation of a new training initiative: The Supportive Housing Veteran Training Academy. This program will provide training to supportive housing providers in New York meet the emerging needs to veterans.

Veterans represent one of the fastest-growing subpopulations of the larger homeless population nationally. Yet, clinical and human service providers may not have the knowledge of specific military or combat-related issues that may disproportionately affect veterans, such as PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and other difficulties in returning to civilian life. In additional to clinical issues, there is also a gap between civilian and military cultural knowledge that may inadvertently hinder a behavioral health provider serving a veteran. This Academy will provide training to supportive housing providers serving veterans to increase their military cultural competency and enhance their service delivery.

The Academy consists of eight sessions. Each session will focus on issues that veterans may face when returning to civilian life and offer practical tips as to how social service providers can assist in this process. Sample topics include an Introduction to Military Culture and different issues that veterans face from each division; Legal Issues specific to veterans and how to prevent them; the importance and examples of Veteran Peer-to-Peer Programs, and others.

These trainings are directed at field staff supervisors who work with case managers and veterans on a regular basis. We will employ a ‘train- the trainer’ approach, and each participant will leave the Academy with concrete information and tools to disseminate to their staff. We expect that people who attend the Academy will have the support of their agency and commit to disseminate the information to their front line staff. To qualify for the Academy, participants must work in a supportive housing program that provides services to veterans and submit an application. The application is due April 19.

Click here to apply for the Academy!


As part of the application process, each agency must commit that they will attend all sessions and provide training to their staff to incorporate new knowledge into their practice. We are charging a fee of $100 dollars for the course to help with the meeting costs. If selected, the individual attending the Academy and the Executive Director of the agency will be expected to sign a Memorandum of Understand stating that the individual will attend the training sessions and disseminate information to the front line staff.

Trainings will take place on Thursday, every two weeks from 9:00 A.M-12:00 P.M. at CSH, 50 Broadway, 17th Floor, New York, NY. Breakfast will be provided. Potential dates for the course are listed below.

May 16 May 30
June 13 June 27
July 11 July 25
September 5 September 19


Please contact Rachael Steimnitz at if you have any questions.


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