Moving forward with a vision of expanding supportive housing for homeless families and individuals, A New Leaf Cottages hosted the grand opening of Desert Leaf Apartments, an 18-unit one and two bedroom permanent supportive housing complex in Mesa, Arizona. The project was initiated and advanced through CSH’s Supportive Housing Institute.
The project is an excellent example of regional collaboration  between major cities to end homelessness. The City of Phoenix committed NSP funds to purchase the property while the City of Mesa awarded project based vouchers to target very vulnerable families and individuals. The grand opening included City of Phoenix, Director of Housing Kim Dorney and City of Mesa, Mayor Scott Smith who both celebrated the joint venture. The apartment complex is conveniently located near public transportation.
Partners include Marc Community Resources, Inc., which incorporates HOPE team peer counselors to meet the needs of seriously mentally ill homeless residents. Additional staff resources and partners include Wells Fargo and Marisol Credit Union financial literacy for families, Community Bridges substance abuse services, and ASU legal services. Services will be voluntary and tailored to meet individual needs.