
MHSA Housing Program 5th Anniversary Event

November 9, 2012  – President and CEO of the Housing Authority, Douglas Guthrie, along with California State Senator, Darrell Steinberg and others from Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health and the Supportive Housing Alliance came together at Villas at Gower to celebrate the Fifth Anniversary of the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Housing Program.

To date there are 33 MHSA Housing Program projects in various stages of development in Los Angeles County – resulting in approximately 746 units of Permanent Supportive Housing for MHSA eligible clients, and chronic homeless adults,  families and children, and Transition Age Youth (TAY). The program has leveraged hundreds of millions of dollars, created jobs and fostered public-private partnerships.

CSH is proud to be a part of this significant milestone – contributing  $29,485,492 in loans and grants, and training to project sponsors and service providers of 25 MHSA Housing Program projects. We look forward to future collaborations with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health.

For more information please visit Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health  


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