
Ribbon Cutting at Cedar Gateway Apartments in Downtown San Diego

On Wednesday, March 21, 2012, the Centre City Development Corporation (CCDC) working on behalf of the City of San Diego, ROEM Corporation, Pacific Housing Inc. and Squier Properties celebrated the grand opening of Cedar Gateway Apartments, a 65 unit affordable housing community for low-income families and individuals. Twenty-three of the apartments provide supportive services for individuals with special needs. 

The $33 million project was financed with a combination of private and public funding, including $8.9 million from CCDC on behalf of the City of San Diego, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the County of San Diego’s Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Housing Program, the California Housing Finance Agency, the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s Multifamily Housing Program (MHP), Corporation for Supportive Housing, Citibank, and the CALReUSE environmental remediation program.

“San Diego desperately needs more affordable and supportive housing. Cedar Gateway provides a lasting solution for both working families seeking an affordable and safe place to live downtown, and the homeless looking to leave the streets behind. This project will enable individuals to permanently exit the streets and build productive and stables lives,” said Simonne Ruff, CSH Director, San Diego.

more about the cedar gateway apartments and ccdc 

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