
ACT NOW! Call Congress and Ask Them to Support Key Letters

Two House “Dear Colleague” letters supporting HUD-VASH and the HOME programs are still circulating with a deadline of March 15. Be sure that your Representative signs on today!

Simply email or call your Representatives office and ask that he or she sign on to the following:

Call or email TODAY. And please circulate this information to other interested partners. (Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to find your Congressperson’s phone number or visit the House website.)

Senate “Dear Colleague” Letters Need Your Help!
There are two letters supporting 3 key federal programs vital to supportive housing currently circulating in the Senate. These letters will be sent to Appropriations Committee leaders who decide on funding levels.  Be sure that your Senators signs on today!

Simply email or call your Senator’s office and ask that he or she sign on to all of the following letters:

Call or email TODAY—deadlines are fast approaching. And please circulate this information to other interested partners. (Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to find your Senator’s phone number or visit the Senate website.)

Tips For Contacting Your Legislators:
1. Ask for the staff person who handles Housing issues.
2. Request that they sign on to the 2 letters.
3. Briefly describe how you use these funding streams to end homelessness in your community.

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