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CSH Co-Sponsors Silos to Systems: Solutions for Vulnerable Families

Hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Building Changes, Silos to Systems was a recent convening of high-level government, philanthropic and nonprofit leaders that focused on new approaches, policy and systems change solutions that help to stabilize the most vulnerable unstably housed and homeless families who touch the many public systems designed to help them, but too often remain separate and ineffective.

CSH authored Silos to Systems: Preserving and Strengthening Families and Children Experiencing Recurring Child Welfare System Encounters and Housing Crises, which is about “cross-over” families who frequently fall into both the homeless and child welfare systems–focusing on the small subset of families who have chronic challenges that compromise their ability to provide a safe and stable home for their children.  Building Changes presented a second paper, Silos to Systems: Connecting Vulnerable Families to Work and Incomes to Prevent and End Homelessness, on work supports for vulnerable families.

The convening was an important opportunity to engage in discussion with our nation’s foremost experts and thought leaders about how to increase our focus and improve our response to these high-need children and families. We thank our co-hosts and sponsors for their efforts to bring this outstanding set of leaders together. Read the summary paper for more information.

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