
L.A. Action Camp Focuses on Needs of Veterans

The photos below may look like our staff and associates are engaged in fun and games, but they're actually doing some serious planning to end homelessness amongst veterans in Los Angeles and Los Angeles County.

LALA2The Los Angeles City and County CES (Coordinated Entry System) SPA (Service Planning Area) action camp, modeled on the successful Zero:2016 Campaign Action Camps format, was held last week. CSH came together with local experts, providers, government officials and community leaders to creatively share ideas and build strategies to end homelessness among veterans in the metro area.

The photos above show participants engaged in what is known as the "airplane game," which is designed to interactively teach about the importance of measurement and making accurate predictions to reach the goals of a coordinated entry system, especially as they work to house veterans experiencing homelessness.

This action camp was part of Los Angeles’ CES planning, coordinated by the Los Angeles United Way, and supported by various groups, including: Abt Associates, LAHSA, Community Solutions, the CSH local Los Angeles team, and the CSH national HUD TA team.

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